GFH #6 Today! Contest! Letters! Trade! More!
Super excited about the end of our first arc - but it’s not all over! The @MartinMillsHits twitter page will ramp up whilst I pound away on my forthcoming history of Rykodisc, “Big Enough To Matter, Small Enough To Care.”
Along with this issue we have our usual Spotify playlist update and corresponding liner notes, please enjoy!
We’re also accepting entries for our contest. For those of you who didn’t realize, every issue’s Backmatter was titled, using a modified song lyric. Please enter your guesses via THIS FORM. We’ll pick a random winner from correct entries during SDCC. Win cool prizes!
One example of a backmatter title from Issue 2, collect ‘em all!
LOL, none of ours came in the mail!
Because we jammed SO MUCH into the last issue of GFH, there wasn’t room to print your mail, so we’ll be adding a letters page here, complete with responses, HERE. We will gladly post and respond to subsequent correspondence with our customary fucking good humor.
The 160-page (!!!) trade comes in time for SDCC and we’re hoping to have a surprise at the con! Look for hard coverage about that soon!
We tweaked a few things in the trade, and for those of you who dig our backmatter, the trade will have loads of brand new backmatter (it has the story-specific stuff from issues 4/5/6 but NONE of the backmatter from #’s 1/2/3).